MRHS Band Aides – The “Ridge Roadies”
Find out more about how to support Ridge Bands:
The Band Aides, also known as the Ridge Roadies, is the parent support group for the MRHS Band Programs. Officially, the organization is called the MRHS Band Aides, Inc., and has a 501(c)(3) non-profit designation.
Band activities require a large amount of volunteers in a variety of functions to be successful. The group is responsible for chaperone support, show support, fundraising, and a wide variety of activities that help keep the program running.
The mission of the Band Aides is to support the variety of Band activities at MRHS including:
- Fundraising to help to support the endeavors of the Mountain Ridge Band Programs
- Provide adult support to the Band Director in the form of logistics, administrative assistance, chaperones, field assistance and transportation support.
- Other activities as deemed necessary by the Band Director or the Board of Directors.
- In addition to the various committees, the Band Aides often have project-specific needs, such as accounting, sewing, construction, grant writing, office work, and much more that need the assistance of band parents.
Memberships cost $10 per year and include:
- MRHS band sticker for your car (one free the first year of membership)
- Voting privileges for Band Aides business and elections